Park Touch Screen Video Wall Application
Brick Paver Application
Veteran's Wall, Fountain, Gazebo and Benches.
This is the area that the Mount Pleasant Glass and Ethnic Festival is held every year.
Veteran's Park sits accross from the Doughboy, between Main Street
and Washington Street, along South Diamond Street.
Mount Pleasant Veterans Park began with an idea for a granite wall to recognize all veterans of all branches of the military. At the crossroads of Mount Pleasant stands a landmark known as "The Doughboy", a memorial for our nation's soldiers who left for WWI to fight for our freedom in America.
With support from Congressman John Murtha and funding from the DCED and DCNR, a dream became a reality. Requests for Veterans names kept coming in until "Veterans Wall" was filled to its capacity with 1,984 names. It was time to expand Veterans Park and four granite tablets were purchased and installed for Phase II. Thinking these granite tablets would last for many years, the tablets too were filled to capacity with 792 names.
Now in its 10th year and in need of more space for our Veterans names it is time to expand again. This Phase III project is a new concept, a state of the art Digital Wall. Modern technology has created a never ending source that will allow the Borough to include on the wall any and all Veterans who wish to be recognized in the future. The Digital wall resembles the granite tablets that are already in place, with additional features of a photo and a short description of service years. Family members would supply the information and it will then be scanned and added to the electronic tablet. Now there can be a story and a picture along with a name. Also, Veterans Park will become a historical resource tool. There are plans for biographies and historical information to be added in the future.
The veterans Digital Wall will be a unique piece and the first of its kind.
Mount Pleasant has always honored its Veterans in a special way………………….
This Tradition Continues